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Assess Your Core Provider's Service: Question 4 - Technology Costs

assess core provider service question 4

Continuing with the last question of Assessing Your Core Provider's Service, we take a look at technology costs and we have to ask:

Does your core provider make it affordable for you to expand your product portfolio? 

The impact of COVID-19 has caused many of us to rethink how we do business in order to overcome the “new normal’s” ongoing challenges. Whether you need to overhaul your bank's technology or simply add a new product or service, your current core provider should be flexible, understand your situation, and be able to serve your business without leaving a hole in your pocket. 

IBT Apps understands that in today's environment community banks need a modern core technology solution that levels the playing field, serves diverse customers, and is affordable, so banks can thrive, even when the future is unpredictable. Additionally, we know that having a trusted core partnership is vital to a community bank's growth and success. That's why we provide a service-based partnership instead of the transactional-based one we see with many legacy vendors. 


That's a wrap!


Did you complete the series of questions?

If not, read the first, second, and third questions to assess your core provider's service.

If yes, then based on your answers to all four questions, would you say your core provider put your business first in the last few years and will continue to do so? 

If your core provider has failed at providing your bank with the service it needs, then it's time to explore your options. Make a change to a new core partner that will help you navigate the changing climate and provide you with the solutions that will position your bank for growth.

Should you stay or should you go?

We know there's a ton of effort involved in switching core providers and decisions can't be made on a whim. If you're not absolutely confident that your bank needs to make a change, take the official IBT Apps core assessment to help guide your decision. Divided into the four categories of technology, service, support, and delivery, this tool asks you the critical questions to properly assess your core. Spend five minutes completing it and receive your score and recommendations automatically.


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There is simply too much on the line to continue battling the same technology challenges and level of service. Switch to a trusted core partner that focuses on your business. Contact us today.


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