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Getting Staff on Board: How to Overcome Aversion to New Core Solutions

The thought of changing core providers is enough to send bank employees running for the hills or, more realistically, crossing their arms in defiance. Change makes people feel uncomfortable, especially if they feel like things are fine the way they are. Plus, many community bank employees have had their jobs for years. They’re used to processes, protocols, and the way they have been doing their job for so long.

So, why change a “good” thing?

The truth is not having your team on your side when looking to upgrade to a new core system will only hurt your business in the long-term. And right now, with many legacy cores sunsetting their systems, you need your team’s support more than ever to make an inevitable change together. But how do you earn their trust and get your staff on board?

In this article, we discuss how every bank leader needs to transform their culture of resistance to one of co-existence (with technology). And it starts with communication and inclusion.

First, remember modern technology is meant to help, not harm.

Innovations in modern core technology such as automation, document management, or enhanced security capabilities, to name a few, were all developed with a goal of streamlining bank operations to improve customer AND employee satisfaction. This means taking manual processes on both the frontline and in the back office, and transforming them to become more efficient and effective.

Getting Bank Employees on Your Side

If you’re in a bind and need to evaluate core providers, but are met with ongoing staff concerns, consider practicing the following to help ease your employees’ pain points:

1. Communicate regularly. If you are evaluating core providers, ensure you communicate with staff, so they are not blindsided down the road. If your core isn’t satisfying your needs, you may want to explore your options proactively. And, if the unfortunate occurs where your bank’s system is on the chopping block, you’ll want to communicate the urgency for finding a new core option to your staff.

2. Invite staff to the table. Instead of pitching new core solutions first, involve staff upfront to get productive feedback upstream. Share with them that this is an opportunity to work with a system that meets everyone’s needs and will continue to delight customers and grow the business. Ask what challenges they are having with the current system and get their wish list.

3. Let staff know about all the benefits they will see with new technology, including increased productivity and providing faster service to your customer base. What if the same process that has taken 1-2 days is now a few hours? What if you were able to replace the expensive, bulky hardware you’ve been licensing for years with a comprehensive and more secure software application?

4. Assure them training will be available. Make sure you find a provider that offers ongoing training and support both onsite and online, so staff feel comfortable and confident using new applications and systems. Many times, a bank will onboard a new system and pay a separate training cost, only for employees to continue to struggle learning the new process and procedures.

5. Make the decision together. Depending on the size of your bank, you can involve your entire staff in the vendor management process in an effort to narrow down your options and select a trusted provider. Remember, if a new core system is for the greater good of the bank, then your bank’s staff should play a significant role in its selection.

Move Your Business Forward With the Right Team & Technology

Getting your staff on board is one of the most important first steps in evaluating and selecting a new core provider. Modern core technology has the potential to solve many issues and challenges that may seem overwhelming. Download our ebook, How Modern Core Technology is Changing the Community Banking Environment, to find out what’s changing in the industry and how having a modern core solution can benefit your bank.

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